Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Answers

What type of grants does the Loyola Foundation fund?
The Loyola Foundation assists overseas Catholic mission projects, primarily in less developed countries.
Requests must be capital in nature (i.e. construction, equipment, vehicles).

What is the size of the grants the Loyola Foundation makes?
Generally, the Loyola Foundation accepts requests up to $20,000.

Are there any restrictions on the type of grants the Loyola Foundation will consider?
The Foundation does not accept requests for operating expenses, scholarships, tuition, endowment
funds, travel expenses or meeting costs. The Foundation does not make multi-year grant or grants for
emergency needs, minor seminaries, or individuals. The Loyola Foundation generally does not
consider requests for projects located in the United States.

When does the Loyola Foundation Board of Trustees meet to consider requests?
The Board of Trustees meets twice a year, usually in June and December.

When is the deadline for application submissions?
Completed applications must be received before March 31 for consideration at the summer meeting
and before September 30 for consideration at the winter meeting. The Loyola Foundation recommends
applicants complete and submit applications as far ahead of the deadlines as possible.

Due to the high volume of submissions, those received towards the end of March or the end of September may not be considered for the respective funding cycle.

How long will it take for applicants to receive word whether their grant request has been

Applicants are notified as soon as possible. Generally, a decision is rendered between 6 months and 12
months after submission of the grant request.

Where can I get an application for grant consideration?
Applicants may submit an Online Grant Submission Inquiry. Once the inquiry has been received, it will be reviewed for eligibility. If eligible, the applicant will then be assigned a grant application number and sent a link to submit the entire grant application.

How often may we apply for funding?
Only one grant request per Diocese is accepted for consideration in any given calendar year. Individual grant recipients must wait a minimum of three years before reapplying to the Foundation. Should the Trustees deny a particular request, the same grant application cannot be submitted again.


For further information about The Loyola Foundation, please contact us at:

The Loyola Foundation

(571) 435-9401

quick links

Grant Application Process >>

Grants In Action >>

Grant Inquiry Form >>